SweetBay, the master-planned community nestled on the picturesque shores of North Bay in Florida, took a giant leap forward on November 9th, as we celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony for our highly-anticipated Town Center. This exciting event marked a significant...
In a heartwarming display of community spirit and charity, the Witches of SweetBay have once again worked their enchanting magic, this time in support of University Academy’s special area classes. The annual SweetBay Witches Ride fundraiser conjured up over $4,000,...
The vibrant community of SweetBay is all set to sway to the melodies of the much-awaited “Notes of Fall” concert series. The event, spanning six weeks, promises to be a musical extravaganza, bringing together artists from diverse genres to captivate music...
In a momentous occasion, St. Andrew Bay Land Co, Developer of SweetBay and Harris Doyle Homes, a leading homebuilder in the region, celebrated the groundbreaking of the highly anticipated cottage product in the picturesque SweetBay community. The ceremony, held on...
SweetBay, a product of St. Andrew Bay Land Co., announced that Publix has been chosen as the anchor grocery store for the Town Center, a future vibrant shopping destination. The decision was met with excitement and anticipation from residents and the local community,...